Never Too Old for a Computer

There’s this perception that the silver generation gets intimidated by technology and can find it difficult to get savvy with gadgets. Four of my family members…all above 65 years and only one of them is comfortable with computers. So maybe the perception is true, and this is why designers like Ryan Klinger are spending hours on designing a laptop especially for them. Personal Computing for Older Adults can be a solution, and it has my support!

The incredible invisible Footwear

The invisible shoes are sounds counter-intuitive. Wearing invisible shoes is so cool to dismiss. Andreia Chaves has designed these invisible shoes. These surprising invisible shoes have fragmented pieces of mirror. This beautiful shoes is a low-cut and Boot with high-heels. These unique shoes have chameleon like mirrored surface that communicate or get Change with the place it goes into.

Top Original Chess Sets

The history of chess is more than 1500 years. It’s the oldest skill game in the world. Ancient chess are represented in the museums in all over the world. They are amazing. But times change. Nowadays modern art gives the artist more leeway in technical execution as well as concept expression and arrangements of design elements.

Gigantic carpet

How big is huge? Massive. Gigantic. Tremendous. Epic…. Unparalleled. Made for a Mansion. Without a doubt, the carpet herewith is the single largest newly made, hand knotted, Indian carpet we are aware of in North America. If not the largest in North America, perhaps the largest new hand knotted Indian carpet in the world.

100,000 LEDs On Tokyo’s Sumida River

Maybe it’s just us, but it feels as if bioluminescence is having a bit of a moment right now. A few months ago everyone was all a-flutter about these awesome long exposure photos of fireflies, we marveled at an interactive jellyfish installation in Vancouver and the American Natural History Museum has an exhibition on view dedicated to these creatures of light.

The Life in Star Wars Lego

Mike Stimpson is a photographer with a bizarre toy fascination, and a curiosity towards light. His work has been published in national newspapers in the UK, seen on BBC television, and featured in many magazines all over the world with subjects as diverse as German political culture and Brazilian business news.

Flower Grenades

Flower bombing is now made fun and easy! With the motto, Throw and Grow, the Flower Grenade originally began as a 2008 concept piece called BioGrenadein biodegradable paper from designer Tony Minh Nguyen.