Alive Without Breath

Singapore-based artist Keng Lye creates near life-like sculptures of animals relying on little but paint, resin and a phenomenal sense of perspective. Lye slowly fills bowls, buckets, and boxes with alternating layers of acrylic paint and resin, creating aquatic animal life that looks so real it could almost pass for a photograph.

Hyperrealistic Sculptures

Don’t be fooled, realistic as he is, he is not real.” I like to use the human form as a way of exploring the nature of what we consider to be “real” and how we react when our visual perceptions of this reality are challenged. In our modern society we have become obsessed with our outward appearance, and now with modern technology we are able to alter this in almost anyway we desire. How does this outward change affect us and how we are perceived by others? ” – Jamie Salmon.

Ferrofluids Go Next Level

A ferrofluid is a magnetized liquid that creates all manner of bizarre patterns that look like the surface of a distant planet’s moon. Because of that, they’ve been featured in a ton of videos and artworks lately, but so far these have mainly been black and white, with maybe some silver thrown in to add a bit of pizzaz.

Artistic Toasts

here is no bound to the creativity of an artist. No matter what the canvas, an artist finds a way to create drawings on it. This applies to toasts too! Yes, what we eat everyday is also a canvas for some wonderfully creative art! Check out the photo below to know what I mean.

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