Tag: art project
Artist Draws Untranslatable Love Words from Around the World
Written by Flynn Matthews
Illustrator Emma Block and jewelry designer Vashi have collaborated to display the language of love visually. There are 6,500 languages in the world, some of which have less than 1,000 people who speak them, and not every expression in one language has a similar word in a different language.
Source: Artist Draws Untranslatable Love Words from Around the World | FreeYork
Designer Transforms Old School Analog Devices into Autonomous Drawing Machines
Concentrating on projects that incorporate the repurposing of obsolete analog devices, graphic designer Echo Yang transforms wind-up toys, cassette tape Walkmans and wind-up alarm clocks into drawing machines capable of creating complex works of art. His latest project titled “Autonomous Machines” explores the algorithm inside the ordinary objects around us. Yang explains, “I see the mechanical system inside the machines as a unique language. Machines are produced, as they are demanded and required in particular circumstance or era, they act as a witness to history. By making use of the specific mechanical movement of a particular machine, I attempt to transform them into a drawing machines in the simplest way.”
Lars Poeck fotografiert verlassene und unbekannte Orte in Berlin
“Berlin weigerte sich, die unchristlich zu Tode Gekommenen auf den öffentlichen Friedhöfen zu begraben. Doch wohin mit den angespülten Leichen unweit des Havelknicks? Diese Aufgabe lag beim Revierförster des Grunewalds. So entstand damals der Selbstmörderfriedhof.”
Quelle: Lars Poeck fotografiert verlassene und unbekannte Orte in Berlin – Mit Vergnügen Berlin
Lars Poeck fotografiert verlassene und unbekannte Orte in Berlin
“Berlin weigerte sich, die unchristlich zu Tode Gekommenen auf den öffentlichen Friedhöfen zu begraben. Doch wohin mit den angespülten Leichen unweit des Havelknicks? Diese Aufgabe lag beim Revierförster des Grunewalds. So entstand damals der Selbstmörderfriedhof.”
Quelle: Lars Poeck fotografiert verlassene und unbekannte Orte in Berlin – Mit Vergnügen Berlin
Layers of Wire Mesh
Using a process that could be the new definition of meticulous, Korean sculptor Seung Mo Park creates giant ephemeral portraits by cutting layer after layer of wire mesh. Each work begins with a photograph which is superimposed over layers of wire with a projector, then using a subtractive technique Park slowly snips away areas of mesh.